

Walkie Talkie On Monday Feb 26th 2024

BPC157 stands for “BODY PROTECTIVE COMPOUND” BPC157 influences the endothelium and helps it create more mucus.

The use of BPC157 may help with the following: * Ulcerative colitis * Crohn’s Disease * Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) This peptide is stable in gastric juice because it’s made from gastric juice. Other peptides are unstable in gastric juices, which sets BPC157 apart.

What is TB500? There is another name for TB-500, which is Thymosin beta 4 (TB4). After conducting experiments on animal models, it was suggested that Thymosin beta 4 may play a significant part in regulating the structure of cells.

TB500 reduces inflammation and is associated with an improved immune system.

WHAT IS LEAKY GUT? Intestinal permeability, aka “Leaky Gut.”

Leaky gut syndrome is an intestinal condition in which a weakening of the intestinal walls allows bacteria and toxins into the bloodstream. 

Our intestine walls are designed to allow nutrition to pass while preventing bacteria and toxins from entering our bloodstream.

This is the reason why when you hear about “leaky gut,” you also hear the phrase Intestinal Permeability.

Permeability describes the flow of material from one side to another.


Our intestine is a long hose comprised of walls. When you hear “Gut Lumen,” it just means the hole the food is traveling down.


The innermost wall or lining of the Lumen is called the Mucosa. This is the surface that interacts with everything we put in our mouths.


This is the surface our food touches and rides against as it descends. The interior lining of our intestine hose comprises a single wall of cells called the Epithelium. This cell layer has little fingers, similar to a silicon scrubbing face brush.


Besides our epithelial cells allowing nutrition to pass, they also secrete a thick, gel-like mucus that protects our body from irritants.

Our epithelial cells’ first defense against unwanted elements is a robust, thick mucus layer.

Our mucus is an efficient system for protecting the epithelium from bacteria by promoting their clearance, thereby inhibiting inflammation and infection.

Maintaining the balance of bacteria and yeast is critical to keeping this mucus layer thick; thereby, our epithelial cells can stay healthy and secrete more mucus.


Our intestinal epithelium is only a single layer of cells. It’s shallow in nature, so nutrition can enter while blocking bacteria.

Our epithelial cells are attached to one another by proteins called junctions. Rather than deep diving into the junctions and their individual functions, simply understand that we want these junctions tight.

When nutrition passes through these junctions between our epithelial cells, it enters our bloodstream.

Without a thick mucus layer, our epithelial cells are left exposed to microbes and toxins we ingest daily.


Zonulin is a molecule responsible for opening up the gaps between neighboring epithelial cells of the gut lining. Under certain conditions, too much zonulin is produced, causing the tight junctions between the epithelial cells to open up too much, creating a leaky gut condition.


Lamina propria is a thin layer of connective tissue found just under the surface of Epithelial cells. 

This thin layer of tissue consists of long, thin, supporting cells called fibroblasts. The fibroblasts are surrounded by small blood vessels and a variety of inflammatory cells that protect the body from microbes that may enter the body through the surface tissue, in this case, the epithelial cells.

As irritants enter into the LAMINA PROPRIA layer, inflammation builds as our immune system fights invaders. This inflammation causes epithelial death, widening the already compromised junction.


When our gut is void of a thick mucus lining (remember the epithelial cells make this mucus) along with tight junctions between these cells, nutrition is not absorbed correctly, plus bacteria and toxins have a wider path of entry.

The Leaky Gut concept is basically that our intestinal wall is weak, and toxins that would normally be dispelled are now entering our blood.


What are Leaky Gut Symptoms?

  1. My entire life, I’ve never had regular bowel movements. I’m completely acclimated to this condition. In fact, even while on Semaglutide (the GLP-1 peptide that helps satiate but slows down digestion), the slow bowel movement was normal for me.
  2. In my twenties, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, which is an autoimmune disorder. I took steroids, and my symptoms resolved. 
  3. I’ve always had a hard time keeping weight off no matter what I did.
  4. I do suffer from unstable moods, and I’ve used psych meds in the past to help during severe moments in life.
  5. In January 2024, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease, which is an autoimmune disorder that destroys the thyroid.

The development of autoimmune disorders has been linked to the GI Tract because of the immune response that is displayed in the Lumina Propria layer. As the inflammation in the GI tract persists, it leads to systemic issues all over the body. This is because of the Gut-Brain Axis.


The gut-brain axis (GBA) consists of bidirectional communication between the central and the enteric nervous system, linking emotional and cognitive centers of the brain with peripheral intestinal functions. Recent advances in research have described the importance of gut microbiota in influencing these interactions.

Besides many of the physical symptoms of leaky gut, I also have Anxiety, Insomnia, Fatigue, and Brain Fog. I imagine if I don’t quickly solve these symptoms, I will eventually develop more severe neuro-degenerative issues.

We can destroy our intestinal biome with diet, stress, and antibiotics, but some of us are more susceptible to this condition than others. I believe I must have genetic contributors as my mom, her mom, and my great-grandma all had bathroom issues and, consequently, mood disorders. As I’ve researched, I believe this is all linked, and I believe that by healing my intestinal wall, I will be able to heal my mind along with the other physical improvements.



Until I have my GI Intelligence test results, I’m restricting gluten, which is known to be inflammatory, and I’m adding in probiotics like Kefir and kimchi.

Remember Zonulin? The Zonulin molecule opens tight junctions, allowing nutrition inside. Zonulin can be tested for and tracked. Gluten increases levels of Zonulin, which is why people who have celiac disease avoid gluten.

Now you understand what Leaky Gut is, why it occurs, and how it can damage many systems in your body.


Besides diet changes, I decided to use BPC157 with TB500 to amplify the healing of my gut mucosal layer.

What is BPC157?

BPC, a.k .a. Body Protective Compound, is synthesized from gastric juices. It was discovered in the early 1990s.

Researchers found that BPC157 has a positive impact on many gastrointestinal issues, along with a reduction in oxidative stress and improved blood vessels.

BPC157 influences the endothelium and helps it create more mucus.

The use of BPC157 may help with the following:

  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

This peptide is stable in gastric juice because it’s made from gastric juice.

Other peptides are unstable in gastric juices, which sets BPC157 apart.

What is TB500?

There is another name for TB-500, which is Thymosin beta 4 (TB4). 

TB4 is found in every cell in the body. It is found in higher amounts at injury sites as it promotes healing.

TB4 is not identical to TB500.  TB4 is made up of 43 amino acids.

TB500 has 7 amino acids, it’s considered a fragment.

As peptide research continues, scientists have identified what amino acids in the sequence actually bind to the anti-inflammatory receptor, they isolate that sequence and create a new peptide, in this case TB500 is a fragment chain from T4 that is focused on inflammation reduction.

TB4 (43 amino acid chain) has wider effects than TB500. However, because of this isolation TB500 is better at reducing inflammation.

After conducting experiments on animal models, it was suggested that Thymosin beta 4 may play a significant part in regulating the structure of cells.

TB4 works by binding to actin for cell mobility. It is responsible for building the matrix or cytoskeleton that we need for cell growth.

Stem cells need to TB4 because they require a scaffold structure to grow and require the information TB4 signals so that the Stem Cell knows where to go and what type of cell to become.

This is the reason TB4 is the first activated protein when it comes to cellular growth and telling stem cells what is needed.



TB4 works by binding to actin for cell mobility. It is responsible for building the matrix or cytoskeleton that we need for cell growth.

Stem cells need to TB4 because they require a scaffold structure to grow and require the information TB4 signals so that the Stem Cell knows where to go and what type of cell to become.

This is the reason TB4 is the first activated protein when it comes to cellular growth and telling stem cells what is needed.

How TB4 works in the body.

TB4 generates ATP using a hydrogen gradient, this opens the P2X4 port which signals cell migration.

Why are BPC157 & TB4 combined?

Researchers have shown that these 2 peptides can manage weight loss, promote muscle growth, and deliver anti-aging benefits.

It’s found that improving blood vessels is necessary to deliver immune function to cells along with the site of the injury or infection.

The ability of the peptides to spread blood vessels, which are passageways for these critical aids, helps explain why they are excellent at tissue repair.

BPC157 interacts with the body’s vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptors.

Meanwhile, TB500 directly increases the production of VEGF, which is why it’s essential to pair the two peptides together.

I’ve been injecting BPC157 with TB500, as a combo, you can understand how effective they are at injury repair. This is why these peptides can be injected at the injury site to improve vessel growth and reduce inflammation.

After research, I believe taking BPC157 with gut healing in mind is actually more effective as an oral supplement. This is because when taken orally, BPC157 can survive the gastric acids of the stomach and be directly absorbed in the small intestine, hopefully impacting the epithelial cell layer quicker.

The injection is still beneficial, especially for injury-specific applications. However, not everyone wants to inject. In particular, taking an oral dose when healing the gut appears to perhaps be more effective.

I will continue my cycle with BPC157 and TB500; however, I will use BPC157 orally as well to see if I can improve my mucosal lining more quickly.

Further, if you are injecting BPC157 + TB500 with healing your gut as the primary focus, you don’t need to stagger the dose with two injections. You can do one injection per day with your total dose rather than breaking them up AM and PM.

For specific injury injection it’s found to be more effective to break this dose up AM and PM.

Again, these peptides are incredible at effective healing. But your purpose plays a huge part in how you use them.











Thank you for joining me today and I hope you join me for more live content! We do have a Peptide group in The Natural Kaos App ! xo – Kim




Sharing some insights from how LIVES are delivered inside the app.

This is cut from Mondays LIVE when I did my second session of PLLA.

SIDE NOTE: The Tirzepatide has been a huge success in the app. I can’t believe how many people are ready to take control. Congratulations to everyone whose vials are arriving this week.
-Next week we will be introducing access to NAD+ and Semaglutide.
Access to these peptides is found inside the Natural Kaos App.

The FREE face printable’s are found on my website naturalkaos.com in my profile url I link directly to them.

I like to have a 3 Ring Binder with plastic sheet protectors. I print 20 of these sheets at a time and keep them in my binder.

Each time I do something, I quickly write it down and place it chronologically in my binder.

This makes remembering what you did, where you did it, and when much easier.

It might seem archaic with a million calendar apps that help you navigate life but I love my binder system:)

Sharing some insights from how LIVES are delivered inside the app.

This is cut from Mondays LIVE when I did my second session of PLLA.

SIDE NOTE: The Tirzepatide has been a huge success in the app. I can’t believe how many people are ready to take control. Congratulations to everyone whose vials are arriving this week.
-Next week we will be introducing access to NAD+ and Semaglutide.
Access to these peptides is found inside the Natural Kaos App.

The FREE face printable’s are found on my website naturalkaos.com in my profile url I link directly to them.

I like to have a 3 Ring Binder with plastic sheet protectors. I print 20 of these sheets at a time and keep them in my binder.

Each time I do something, I quickly write it down and place it chronologically in my binder.

This makes remembering what you did, where you did it, and when much easier.

It might seem archaic with a million calendar apps that help you navigate life but I love my binder system:)

69 12
I realize that some procedures look shocking…Mesotherapy requires many, many pricks. 

After a session, I look crazy, or people think I enjoy pain.


During child birth I needed an epidural with all four deliveries!

I don’t have a high pain tolerance; however, over the years, I’ve developed stamina for the pain.

I enjoy that in our app; we commiserate about all of these aspects of doing professional skincare at home.

I’ve had mesotherapy done professionally, and it’s brutal in professional hands, too. It’s simply the nature of this procedure. I’ve found I can stomach the pain easier if I’m in charge of it.

While I was in Korea, I kept telling my injector that I didn’t want anymore and that whatever was placed was enough for me. 

I tried to bow out early, but she insisted I needed to keep going 😂🙈.

If you’ve ever seen my Korean Thread Video, you know I was trying to escape!


The point I want to offer is that not all at-home beauty treatments are as painful as mesotherapy. The major reason Mesotherapy is painful is that you have large areas of skin to cover. You can use numbing cream to take a bit of the bite off, but even 12% topical lido is not going to fully numb you. Some pokes are easy, and others painful. 

Mid-face and lip areas are by far my most sensitive regions, and each time I make it through, I feel like a superhero 🦸‍♀️😅.

I’m motivated by the convenience of performing these procedures at home. Although I don’t look forward to the pain of mesotherapy, I’m always encouraged by the benefits these products have for my skin.

I love the ability and freedom to choose for myself, and I appreciate it when others feel empowered as well. 
I’ve never infered that my life choices are suitable for everyone; only that options exist, and that’s why I share.

My community, found inside the Natural Kaos App, is where these procedures take place.


I realize that some procedures look shocking…Mesotherapy requires many, many pricks.

After a session, I look crazy, or people think I enjoy pain.


During child birth I needed an epidural with all four deliveries!

I don’t have a high pain tolerance; however, over the years, I’ve developed stamina for the pain.

I enjoy that in our app; we commiserate about all of these aspects of doing professional skincare at home.

I’ve had mesotherapy done professionally, and it’s brutal in professional hands, too. It’s simply the nature of this procedure. I’ve found I can stomach the pain easier if I’m in charge of it.

While I was in Korea, I kept telling my injector that I didn’t want anymore and that whatever was placed was enough for me.

I tried to bow out early, but she insisted I needed to keep going 😂🙈.

If you’ve ever seen my Korean Thread Video, you know I was trying to escape!


The point I want to offer is that not all at-home beauty treatments are as painful as mesotherapy. The major reason Mesotherapy is painful is that you have large areas of skin to cover. You can use numbing cream to take a bit of the bite off, but even 12% topical lido is not going to fully numb you. Some pokes are easy, and others painful.

Mid-face and lip areas are by far my most sensitive regions, and each time I make it through, I feel like a superhero 🦸‍♀️😅.

I’m motivated by the convenience of performing these procedures at home. Although I don’t look forward to the pain of mesotherapy, I’m always encouraged by the benefits these products have for my skin.

I love the ability and freedom to choose for myself, and I appreciate it when others feel empowered as well.
I’ve never infered that my life choices are suitable for everyone; only that options exist, and that’s why I share.

My community, found inside the Natural Kaos App, is where these procedures take place.


286 43
How I prepare to do Mesotherapy Injections?

I’m using Mayster PLLA. Today is my second round with this quasi Sculptra dupe. The reason I say “quasi” is because it has a lower molecular weight so the particles are not nearly as large as the PLLA molecules in Sculptra.

I’m using this product inside the Natural Kaos App.
You can find it on Apple and Android
I go Live at 4pm pst but all lives are saved inside the app for your future convenience.

Gain more insight on our app @natural.kaos.app account which showcases more of our weekly lives.

How I prepare to do Mesotherapy Injections?

I’m using Mayster PLLA. Today is my second round with this quasi Sculptra dupe. The reason I say “quasi” is because it has a lower molecular weight so the particles are not nearly as large as the PLLA molecules in Sculptra.

I’m using this product inside the Natural Kaos App.
You can find it on Apple and Android
I go Live at 4pm pst but all lives are saved inside the app for your future convenience.

Gain more insight on our app @natural.kaos.app account which showcases more of our weekly lives.

60 8
Last week, I shared a one-year-out Sculptra video, a result of the two sessions I had the privilege of receiving from the esteemed Dr Rice @estheticscenter in 2023.
Comment “Sculptra” for the full video link sent to your DM 📥 + Last minute Mother’s Day gift ideas.

I received a few comments stating:
1️⃣ “Sculptra can’t be placed beneath the eyes!”
2️⃣ “If you get Sculptra, you are no longer a candidate for a future facelift!”

Both of these statements are false, but I understand why some people have this perspective.

1️⃣ Most people go to med spas where RNs inject. RN injectors are fabulous and typically do more liquid facelift protocols than even the surgeon. However, at some locations, you may find they do not offer certain placements, like the tear trough. This is their decision based on comfort level.
I elected to pay more to have Dr Rice place my Sculptra because I knew he was the best person for this situation.

2️⃣ Offices like @estheticscenter, which profit from facelifts, don’t want to create a population of clientele that later would not be candidates for a facelift. 
I truly dislike it when people attempt to fearmonger about products and procedures. It’s always better to look at the larger picture. 
If Sculptra were to hinder a facial plastic surgeon from performing facelifts, it would never be in the doctor’s best interest to offer Sculptra. Dr Rice, for instance, is dedicated to serving his patients and providing them with a range of options, ensuring their best interests are always prioritized.

I hope this continues the conservation about Sculptra and gives more insight on why you may go to a med spa and they may not offer Sculptra placement under the eyes.

SCULPTRA 🎥 https://urlgeni.us/youtube/Sculptra

Last week, I shared a one-year-out Sculptra video, a result of the two sessions I had the privilege of receiving from the esteemed Dr Rice @estheticscenter in 2023.
Comment “Sculptra” for the full video link sent to your DM 📥 + Last minute Mother’s Day gift ideas.

I received a few comments stating:
1️⃣ “Sculptra can’t be placed beneath the eyes!”
2️⃣ “If you get Sculptra, you are no longer a candidate for a future facelift!”

Both of these statements are false, but I understand why some people have this perspective.

1️⃣ Most people go to med spas where RNs inject. RN injectors are fabulous and typically do more liquid facelift protocols than even the surgeon. However, at some locations, you may find they do not offer certain placements, like the tear trough. This is their decision based on comfort level.
I elected to pay more to have Dr Rice place my Sculptra because I knew he was the best person for this situation.

2️⃣ Offices like @estheticscenter, which profit from facelifts, don’t want to create a population of clientele that later would not be candidates for a facelift.
I truly dislike it when people attempt to fearmonger about products and procedures. It’s always better to look at the larger picture.
If Sculptra were to hinder a facial plastic surgeon from performing facelifts, it would never be in the doctor’s best interest to offer Sculptra. Dr Rice, for instance, is dedicated to serving his patients and providing them with a range of options, ensuring their best interests are always prioritized.

I hope this continues the conservation about Sculptra and gives more insight on why you may go to a med spa and they may not offer Sculptra placement under the eyes.

SCULPTRA 🎥 https://urlgeni.us/youtube/Sculptra

108 24
Happy Sunday…
Warm spring finally arrived and soon it will be in the 90’s.

This week also brought me a cold 🤧 
It began with Pink Eye and by Friday I lost my voice. 
I woke up on Saturday with a deep cough.
I’ve been in bed this weekend trying to recover so next weeks schedule isn’t compromised.

I’m still planing to do my next session of Mayster PLLA on Monday 5/6, inside the natural Kaos app.
Hopefully my voice can recover more so you can actually hear what I’m saying 😂.

If you know me, you know I like to talk 🗣️🎙️and losing my voice is certainly a difficult by product of this seasonal cold.

If you’ve experienced this years cold let me know if thee is another phase to this that I’ve yet to encounter?

For my app members please know I will rally to make Mondays Live demo. In the end if I still lack a voice I’ll have to cancel only because it would be super annoying to listen to me speak. 

Stay tuned:)

PS. I filmed this on Thursday before this cold entered my 🫁.
It was also my third day injecting MELANOTAN 2 and laying out to trigger the melanin in my skin.

Happy Sunday…
Warm spring finally arrived and soon it will be in the 90’s.

This week also brought me a cold 🤧
It began with Pink Eye and by Friday I lost my voice.
I woke up on Saturday with a deep cough.
I’ve been in bed this weekend trying to recover so next weeks schedule isn’t compromised.

I’m still planing to do my next session of Mayster PLLA on Monday 5/6, inside the natural Kaos app.
Hopefully my voice can recover more so you can actually hear what I’m saying 😂.

If you know me, you know I like to talk 🗣️🎙️and losing my voice is certainly a difficult by product of this seasonal cold.

If you’ve experienced this years cold let me know if thee is another phase to this that I’ve yet to encounter?

For my app members please know I will rally to make Mondays Live demo. In the end if I still lack a voice I’ll have to cancel only because it would be super annoying to listen to me speak.

Stay tuned:)

PS. I filmed this on Thursday before this cold entered my 🫁.
It was also my third day injecting MELANOTAN 2 and laying out to trigger the melanin in my skin.

45 10
Comment “Sculptra” for the video link sent to your DM inbox.  On FACEBOOK? Link 👇🏻

Are you sitting on the fence about Sculptra? I know it’s really $$$!!!

If you want to see the impact of four vials of Sculptra 12 months post then you’ll appreciate todays YouTube video. 

Premiers at 5:15pm PST on the @spa.and.tell YouTube channel.

🎥 LINK: https://urlgeni.us/youtube/Sculptra

#sculptra #sculptraaesthetic #beforeandafter

Comment “Sculptra” for the video link sent to your DM inbox. On FACEBOOK? Link 👇🏻

Are you sitting on the fence about Sculptra? I know it’s really $$$!!!

If you want to see the impact of four vials of Sculptra 12 months post then you’ll appreciate todays YouTube video.

Premiers at 5:15pm PST on the @spa.and.tell YouTube channel.

🎥 LINK: https://urlgeni.us/youtube/Sculptra

#sculptra #sculptraaesthetic #beforeandafter

104 73
SAVE for future and comment “SPRAY” for the one I’m using.

Silver is an ancient remedy and before we had antibiotics the world used silver to fight infections. In fact, the Phoenicians stored water, wine and vinegar in silver bottles to prevent spoiling.


Used for centuries for its antibacterial properties, it’s a must-have in any home medicine cabinet…because you can be 42 years old and contract PINK EYE!

1. **Antibacterial Powerhouse:** Colloidal silver is renowned for its ability to fight off harmful bacteria. Whether it’s on your skin or in your body, colloidal silver works to eliminate bacteria and promote a healthy environment.

2. **Gentle Yet Effective:** Unlike harsh chemical antibacterials, colloidal silver is gentle on the body while still delivering potent results. It targets bacteria without disturbing the body’s natural balance, making it suitable for daily use.

3. **Versatility:** From skincare to immune support, colloidal silver offers a wide range of benefits. Use it topically to soothe minor skin irritations or internally to bolster your immune system and fend off infections.

4. **Natural Alternative:** Say goodbye to synthetic antibiotics and hello to nature’s solution! Colloidal silver provides a natural alternative to traditional antibacterial treatments, making it a favorite among holistic health enthusiasts.

I’m using the @sovereignsilver hydrosol spray. 


SAVE for future and comment “SPRAY” for the one I’m using.

Silver is an ancient remedy and before we had antibiotics the world used silver to fight infections. In fact, the Phoenicians stored water, wine and vinegar in silver bottles to prevent spoiling.


Used for centuries for its antibacterial properties, it’s a must-have in any home medicine cabinet…because you can be 42 years old and contract PINK EYE!

1. **Antibacterial Powerhouse:** Colloidal silver is renowned for its ability to fight off harmful bacteria. Whether it’s on your skin or in your body, colloidal silver works to eliminate bacteria and promote a healthy environment.

2. **Gentle Yet Effective:** Unlike harsh chemical antibacterials, colloidal silver is gentle on the body while still delivering potent results. It targets bacteria without disturbing the body’s natural balance, making it suitable for daily use.

3. **Versatility:** From skincare to immune support, colloidal silver offers a wide range of benefits. Use it topically to soothe minor skin irritations or internally to bolster your immune system and fend off infections.

4. **Natural Alternative:** Say goodbye to synthetic antibiotics and hello to nature’s solution! Colloidal silver provides a natural alternative to traditional antibacterial treatments, making it a favorite among holistic health enthusiasts.

I’m using the @sovereignsilver hydrosol spray.


93 47
It’s not easy having your world unexpectedly turned upside down. Challenges happen in life that we are not prepared for no matter if we are planners. 

UNFORTUNATELY, Not everything is in our control!

As a “semi-control freak” (don’t judge me) life continues to teach me that I never know what’s around the corner.

And It’s difficult to be prepared for the next curve ball life throws. 

As I go thru another tragic experience (one I’m not sharing yet) it can feel debilitating. 

Like what the F***!!! I’m NOT equipped for this obstacle.

The only truth I know, is that I can only control myself. I feel fortunate that I developed my little work out plan becoming accustomed to it pre devastation.

My routine is helping me thru this difficult time and I’m grateful to have it as a constant when other aspects of my life feel wild and unknown.

PSA: Get yourself a routine before your next curve ball!

XOXO Kim ❤️🩷🧡❤️🩷🧡❤️🩷🧡❤️🩷🧡❤️🩷

It’s not easy having your world unexpectedly turned upside down. Challenges happen in life that we are not prepared for no matter if we are planners.

UNFORTUNATELY, Not everything is in our control!

As a “semi-control freak” (don’t judge me) life continues to teach me that I never know what’s around the corner.

And It’s difficult to be prepared for the next curve ball life throws.

As I go thru another tragic experience (one I’m not sharing yet) it can feel debilitating.

Like what the F***!!! I’m NOT equipped for this obstacle.

The only truth I know, is that I can only control myself. I feel fortunate that I developed my little work out plan becoming accustomed to it pre devastation.

My routine is helping me thru this difficult time and I’m grateful to have it as a constant when other aspects of my life feel wild and unknown.

PSA: Get yourself a routine before your next curve ball!

XOXO Kim ❤️🩷🧡❤️🩷🧡❤️🩷🧡❤️🩷🧡❤️🩷

154 50


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